Manfred's MMA Trivia
This trivia was posted on an MMA board. It was hard. I got 7/10. I used Google.
1. Who was originally going to fight Matt Hughes at UFC 36? (instead of Sakurai)
2. TUF 6 contestant George Sotiropoulos once fought Aoki and was DQ'd. Why?
3. What was faked at the opening ceremony of Final Conflict 2004?
4. Why didn't Phil Baroni wrestle in his senior year of HS, despite being the county champion the previous year?
5. What was odd about J. Hansen's victory celebration at Shooto - 3/18 in Korakuen Hall?
6. Besides T. Fulton, (who has like 34,000 fights) name at least TWO MMA fighters with 20 or more (T)KOs
7. Which fighter once used the name Vince Torrelli?
8. Before becoming president of the UFC, Dana White managed Chuck Liddell and _______?
9. Which TUF contestant was drafted during the 2007 IFL draft?
10. Who said, "I know his wife likes my ears" during an interview in order to rile his upcoming opponent?
Scroll down for answers!
1. Anderson Silva - Was the Shooto champ at the time but had Visa issues.
2. Low Blow.
3. Big Nog's Walkout (it was little Nogs, Big Nogs was caught in traffic)
4. Beat up his coach.
5. He threw his mouthpiece into the audience and hit Uno's mother in the head.
6. Melvin Manhoef/Dave Dalgliesh/Wanderlei Silva/Gilbert Yvel/Igor Vovchanchyn
7. Ken Shamrock
8. Tito Ortiz
9. Amir Sadollah (from season 7), Noah Inhofer, (Season 3) Antwain Britt and Jason Guida (Season 8, prelims)
10. Randy Couture, on Tito's wife
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The greatest forum post ever.
The greatest forum post ever.
He's a fighter"
I'm talking about Paul Leben. I couldn't believe it that he couldn't get around those take downs that "Chump" Whats his MOUTH! Everyone on the show that commentated at the end of the show was 100 percent right Leben has alot of going up to do. I'm 41 with a semi broken back, and I can bet you I'd take down both of them one at a time of course. They fighht like little kids in the playground espailly "BLONDE". If they were considered two of the best I don't think your show is going to last on TV.Also being "BLONDE" doesn't fight must be a mom ma's boy, it was descraceful one wrestling "blonde" AND THE OTHER STROLLING AROUND AFRAID TO GET IT ON i'M TALKING ABOUT Leben, what a bunch of BABIES!!! Good luck staying on the air if the rest fight that way, I'll watch a couple of more of them just to see if tall dark and stupid fights you know who I mean the"HOSER" Once again good luck keeping the show going!!! Sincerely Crash1
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
War Gods - Ken Shamrock and Tank Abbott GIFs
War Gods - Ken Shamrock and Tank Abbott GIFs
Ken Shamrock vs Ross Clifton GIFs



Tank Abbott vs Mike Bourke GIFs


Ken Shamrock vs Ross Clifton GIFs



Tank Abbott vs Mike Bourke GIFs


Misc Events
Thursday, February 12, 2009
BJ Penn "I've Never Worked a Day in My Life" GIF
BJ Penn "I've Never Worked a Day in My Life" GIF

Forum Code:

Forum Code:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Bas Rutten bails on Kimbo
Bas Rutten bails on Kimbo
I stopped training Kimbo. I had him six weeks before the last fight (a loss to Seth Petruzelli on October 4), I talked to him about certain things that I didn’t like, and he promised never to do it again, and then he started doing it again. If people come to me and ask me to train them, I want them to do what I tell them to do, because that’s what they came for. … Once you start doing different things, you’re out. It’s not because he got knocked out. This was already in progress long before the fight.Source!
The song playing in the final montage of GSP/BJ Penn: Primetime is People In Planes - "Last Man Standing"
The song playing in the final montage of GSP/BJ Penn: Primetime is People In Planes - "Last Man Standing"
Lyrics to People in Planes - Last Man Standing :
I am the last man stand survivor
I'll be the last man home.
I'll be the last man stand survivor
I'll be the last man home.
You're all alone sitting in the corner,
You've got a killer stare.
Who's messing round with you in the corner?
He better say his prayers.
You found yourself a new sensation
But baby it's a jungle out there
The one's you counted on are all but gone
Baby it's a jungle out there.
I am the last man stand survivor
I'll be the last man home.
I'll be the last man stand survivor
I'll be the last man home.
I wish you would try and look
a little more excited,
Let me stay, let me cos I'm coming anyway
I am the last man stand survivor
I'll be the last man home.
I'll be the last man stand survivor
I'll be the last man home.
You're all alone sitting in the corner,
You've got a killer stare.
Who's messing round with you in the corner?
He better say his prayers.
You found yourself a new sensation
But baby it's a jungle out there
The one's you counted on are all but gone
Baby it's a jungle out there.
I am the last man stand survivor
I'll be the last man home.
I'll be the last man stand survivor
I'll be the last man home.
I wish you would try and look
a little more excited,
Let me stay, let me cos I'm coming anyway
Georges St. Pierre's Entrance Music from UFC 52 - UFC 92
Georges St. Pierre's Entrance Music from UFC 52 - UFC 92
UFC 52 - X Gon' Give It to Ya by DMXWar Georges!
UFC 58 - Tout Le Monde Debout by Neg' Marrons
UFC 65 - Samurai by Shurik'n
UFC 69 - Samurai by Shurik'n
UFC 74 - Dirty Haus by Rohff
UFC 79 - Territoire Hostile by Sans Pression
UFC 83 - Numero 1 by Sans Pression[43]
UFC 87 - Boulbi by Booba[44]
UFC 94 - L'Homme a Abattre by Sinik
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The greasing rule
The greasing rule
NAC 467.598 Physical appearance of unarmed combatants. (NRS 467.030)Class dismissed.
1. Each unarmed combatant must be clean and present a tidy appearance.
2. The excessive use of grease or any other foreign substance may not be used on the face or body of an unarmed combatant. The referees or the Commission’s representative in charge shall cause any excessive grease or foreign substance to be removed.
3. The Commission’s representative shall determine whether head or facial hair presents any hazard to the safety of the unarmed combatant or his opponent or will interfere with the supervision and conduct of the contest or exhibition. If the head or facial hair of an unarmed combatant presents such a hazard or will interfere with the supervision and conduct of the contest or exhibition, the unarmed combatant may not compete in the contest or exhibition unless the circumstances creating the hazard or potential interference are corrected to the satisfaction of the Commission’s representative.
4. An unarmed combatant may not wear any jewelry or other piercing accessories while competing in the contest or exhibition.
[Athletic Comm’n, § 18, eff. 4-25-78]—(NAC A 11-2-88; 12-2-97; R070-01, 8-31-2001)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Everybody is calling for a rematch between St Pierre and Penn...
Everybody is calling for a rematch between St Pierre and Penn...
There needs to be a rematch! GSP cheated! BJ Penn is GOD! Nobody can beat BJ Penn if he is in shape! BJ PENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Arrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!11
People keep saying that they can't wait for GSP/Penn III. "I can't wait for the rematch!" they say.
Wasn't everybody already "can't waiting" for GSP/BJ II? What happened? The truth of the matter is, barring a Matt Serra shocking punch, GSP/BJ III will be a lot like Tito/Ken III, a COMPLETE waste of time.
And while I'm all for GSP messing up BJ while wearing a rash-guard, there are too many other title fights for both guys, GSP at 170 and BJ at 155, for me to want to see both GSP and BJ waste another 4-5 months training for a fight that makes little to no sense.
Both guys should move forward. Let the commission look at the whole "greasing" incident and punish the corner if need be. Hell, punish St. Pierre, fine him $10,000, send a message, fix the rules, only allow licensed officials who work for neither fighter to apply Vaseline between rounds, and make sure this never happens again.
As fans, we need to let this go. We need to let BJ fight at 155 and try and prove he is the best 155lb fighter in the world. And let GSP continue to try and dominate at 170.
Nobody is going to deny that a trace amount of Vaseline made it to GSP's back, but the majority of us don't think GSP, or his corner, cheated. A mistake was made, and steps need to be taken to make sure this kind of mistake doesn't happen again. Penn fans, let it go. BJ got smoked, he's not a 170lb fighter. He's a 155er. Encourage him to go to 155 and dominate, stop making excuses for him, he's a big boy, he's going to be all right.
All that being said, if a rematch does happen, I hope they do allow GSP to wear a rashguard, although, I'm sure that Penn fans would claim that BJ is allergic to the material and therefore couldn't breath properly, causing him to lose strength in his legs, which is why his legs were slipping in the fight, and therefore, because GSP knows a lot of Doctors, and got ahold of BJ Penn's medical records in order to find out if Penn had any allergies to any materials that could be used in the creation of a rashguard, GSP is a dirty cheater.
There needs to be a rematch! GSP cheated! BJ Penn is GOD! Nobody can beat BJ Penn if he is in shape! BJ PENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Arrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!11
People keep saying that they can't wait for GSP/Penn III. "I can't wait for the rematch!" they say.
Wasn't everybody already "can't waiting" for GSP/BJ II? What happened? The truth of the matter is, barring a Matt Serra shocking punch, GSP/BJ III will be a lot like Tito/Ken III, a COMPLETE waste of time.
And while I'm all for GSP messing up BJ while wearing a rash-guard, there are too many other title fights for both guys, GSP at 170 and BJ at 155, for me to want to see both GSP and BJ waste another 4-5 months training for a fight that makes little to no sense.
Both guys should move forward. Let the commission look at the whole "greasing" incident and punish the corner if need be. Hell, punish St. Pierre, fine him $10,000, send a message, fix the rules, only allow licensed officials who work for neither fighter to apply Vaseline between rounds, and make sure this never happens again.
As fans, we need to let this go. We need to let BJ fight at 155 and try and prove he is the best 155lb fighter in the world. And let GSP continue to try and dominate at 170.
Nobody is going to deny that a trace amount of Vaseline made it to GSP's back, but the majority of us don't think GSP, or his corner, cheated. A mistake was made, and steps need to be taken to make sure this kind of mistake doesn't happen again. Penn fans, let it go. BJ got smoked, he's not a 170lb fighter. He's a 155er. Encourage him to go to 155 and dominate, stop making excuses for him, he's a big boy, he's going to be all right.
All that being said, if a rematch does happen, I hope they do allow GSP to wear a rashguard, although, I'm sure that Penn fans would claim that BJ is allergic to the material and therefore couldn't breath properly, causing him to lose strength in his legs, which is why his legs were slipping in the fight, and therefore, because GSP knows a lot of Doctors, and got ahold of BJ Penn's medical records in order to find out if Penn had any allergies to any materials that could be used in the creation of a rashguard, GSP is a dirty cheater.
Random Thoughts,
The forums on are full of delusional nuthuggers, that's to be expected, but these guys continually talk trash about everybody who isn't BJ Penn and then tell everybody that they should respect BJ Penn because he is a warrior who gets in the cage and fights.
They of course say this after calling every other fighter on the planet a douchebag loser who doesn't have the heart, skill, or courage that BJ has.
If you do give them the treatment they are giving your fighter(s), they resort to this type of response, "Oh yeah, I bet you wouldn't say that to BJ's face!" As if they would say what they are saying about GSP (or anybody else) to their faces.
Or they say, ""You wouldn't step in the cage with BJ!" No shit, most sports fans don't have the abilities that the sports stars they talk about do, that doesn't mean they should hold their tongues. Anybody on who says they would step in the cage with Andy Wang, let alone GSP, are liars.
Another one of my favorites is this one, "Just remember brah, BJ Penn has a lot more friends than you!" Really? A rich kid from Hilo who happens to be a professional fighter in the largest MMA organization on the planet has more friends than me? No way. I don't believe it. Then I realize that the people posting are making a threat. And I laugh even more, BJ Penn is going to track somebodies IP address and send his friends to their house to kick their ass because of something they wrote on the internet??? Is BJ Penn auditioning for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Part 2?
Just a couple more, one of my favorites of all-times, "Yeah brah, why don't you fly out here and see how tough you talk when you have me in your face, brah!?!?!" Seriously, and this isn't a shot at the BJ Penn forums, just forums in general, if you're that pissed off that you want to confront them face-to-face, shouldn't you be the one offering to fly to their location?
This rant was brought on by the below picture and post. I blacked out everything as I don't want to be a dick, and I also don't want this forum member to ask me for my Myspace. But really? Asking for somebodies Myspace? I guess that's what goes on nowadays, but really? Myspace?

I hope this hasn't offended anybody, if it did, I certainly didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but come on.
P.S. it's "you're an idiot", not "your an idiot"
The forums on are full of delusional nuthuggers, that's to be expected, but these guys continually talk trash about everybody who isn't BJ Penn and then tell everybody that they should respect BJ Penn because he is a warrior who gets in the cage and fights.
They of course say this after calling every other fighter on the planet a douchebag loser who doesn't have the heart, skill, or courage that BJ has.
If you do give them the treatment they are giving your fighter(s), they resort to this type of response, "Oh yeah, I bet you wouldn't say that to BJ's face!" As if they would say what they are saying about GSP (or anybody else) to their faces.
Or they say, ""You wouldn't step in the cage with BJ!" No shit, most sports fans don't have the abilities that the sports stars they talk about do, that doesn't mean they should hold their tongues. Anybody on who says they would step in the cage with Andy Wang, let alone GSP, are liars.
Another one of my favorites is this one, "Just remember brah, BJ Penn has a lot more friends than you!" Really? A rich kid from Hilo who happens to be a professional fighter in the largest MMA organization on the planet has more friends than me? No way. I don't believe it. Then I realize that the people posting are making a threat. And I laugh even more, BJ Penn is going to track somebodies IP address and send his friends to their house to kick their ass because of something they wrote on the internet??? Is BJ Penn auditioning for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Part 2?
Just a couple more, one of my favorites of all-times, "Yeah brah, why don't you fly out here and see how tough you talk when you have me in your face, brah!?!?!" Seriously, and this isn't a shot at the BJ Penn forums, just forums in general, if you're that pissed off that you want to confront them face-to-face, shouldn't you be the one offering to fly to their location?
This rant was brought on by the below picture and post. I blacked out everything as I don't want to be a dick, and I also don't want this forum member to ask me for my Myspace. But really? Asking for somebodies Myspace? I guess that's what goes on nowadays, but really? Myspace?

I hope this hasn't offended anybody, if it did, I certainly didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but come on.
P.S. it's "you're an idiot", not "your an idiot"
BJ Penn Fans Troll Wikipedia... and Fail while doing it.
BJ Penn Fans Troll Wikipedia... and Fail while doing it.
lol. at least they still recognize him as the victor in their first fight.
lol. at least they still recognize him as the victor in their first fight.

Monday, February 2, 2009
Sorry, but wow, is exploding with WAH
Sorry, but wow, is exploding with WAH
As if a forum on a website dedicated to one guy can be taken seriously, this thread has me loling to the point of unbeliveableness.
It can be found by clicking here!
Anyways, here's the thread:
As if a forum on a website dedicated to one guy can be taken seriously, this thread has me loling to the point of unbeliveableness.
It can be found by clicking here!
Anyways, here's the thread:
You can see there is some sort of lube substance on GSP's Conerman left hand located on the lower thumb section. He is applying the substance to GSP's head/neck and upper torso. There are skeptics that say GSP did not know about this and should be the fault of the cornermans. That is a lie. There is evidence that show GSP's acknowledgment and participation in the scheme.(((( Watch carefully as GSP is dousing him self with the water, as he takes a sip.))))) GSP is purposely aiding the lube substance to enhance the effect of the lube and consistency. Watch the other two conermen, they all look aware what is going on, this is a team operation and was obviously planned.Now look at GSP's conerman, he seems to be massaging GSP. He looks to be doing some sort of Yoga breathing contractions, by applying his hand around his upper shoulders, neck, arms and back. But what looks suspicious is the way he is moving his hands. He is moving it in a way that indicates that he is rubbing some sort of substance on GSP. The other conerman behind the cage seems to be scanning the area and it shows that he pre-acknowledgment of what is going on. Also his conerman has some sort of shiny substance on his left lower thumb area.
You can see some of the officials concerned with GSP's corner. The offcials suspect some form of foul play (right before the start of the next bout). They detect some sort of greasing scheme was being implemented. He does a quick swipe of GSP with a towel. Couple things to remember.Vaeline our a strong lube substance is hard to remove with just a quick swipe of a towel. The result of this would actually cause the lube substance to be smeared around. Also vaseline soaks up into the skin, and can be activated with sweat, that and reapplying the substance during bouts, it will be pretty darn impossible to wipe off.
This is not the only incident were a fighter accused GSP and his fellow teammates of this type of tricky tactics.
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