I didn't make it or anything, but it made me chuckle. So I started looking for some other BJ Penn as a cabbage patch doll pictures. I only found a few, but I thought I'd put them all in one place for the millions of people who type "BJ Penn as a Cabbage Patch Doll" into Google.
I don't take credit for any of the pictures on this page, nor do I take credit for being the first person to think BJ Penn looks like a cabbage patch doll. Scroll down past the Cabbage Patch Doll pictures to see pictures of real BJ Penn dolls to see how they compare.


Like bears?


Cutting down to Featherweight?
And now for the real BJ Penn Dolls/Action Figures:

I once saw somebody ask the question, "What would BJ Penn look like if he took Steroids?" A clever response to that question was this:

And last but not least:

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